The announcement has been made at work so I am free to divulge the following information via social media: I am leaving Customer Service for a position in Provider Information Management.
I have worked in a direct Customer Service position for most of my working life, including 5 1/2 years at Blue Cross of Idaho. I am so excited for this change for many reasons.
Some things I'm hoping will change include a) that I'll stop taking my 'work' with me home every night, b) that I no longer have to have on a headset/be waiting for the phone to ring at any moment, c) that they'll be a flexible schedule so I can more easily manage my appointments, d) that the work will be challenging but won't get the best of me. I also hope I'll be an asset to my new Team.
What I'm not excited about is no longer seeing my current Team everyday. I may be only 1-3 buildings away (connected buildings mind you) , but let's face it- we'll never call, we'll never write.
Actually I will do my best to send a Meme their way once and awhile; and I've been told I'll still be invited to potlucks. We can't give each other up that easily.
Outside of leaving my Team, the transition should be easy- same company, same policies, both my old and new Supervisors are named Kim. It will be fun to get to know my new co-workers. There will be training so it's not sink or swim. There is plenty to learn and plenty to do from my understanding.
I wanted to share this with you because I want to share my ups and downs with you. That is why you are all part of my circle. So, wish me luck- I start June 18th as a Provider Information Management Specialist.